
InvestmentNews TV

Archive of videos from Investment News featuring expert insight and comment from leaders within the financial advice industry.

Mary Beth Franklin: These retirees will see a substantial increase in their Medicare premiums in 2017

Retirees who are not protected by the hold harmless provision of the Social Security Act could see the base amount of their Medicare premiums increase by 20% or more, according to InvestmentNews contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin.

Mary Beth Franklin: What baby boomers taking their first RMDs need to know

Retirees can delay taking their first required minimum distribution until April 1 after the year they turn 70 1/2. Here's what they need to consider before doing that, according to InvestmentNews contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin.

Women & Investing

Women & Investing with Mary Beth Franklin

IN the Know

IN the Know

Mary Beth Franklin: Prepare these clients for big Medicare premium increases

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down the types of clients that advisers need to brace for 2016 Medicare premiums.

Secrets for creating reliable retirement income

Bucket income strategies, annuities and Social Security benefits are among the resources you may want to consider to plan your income in retirement, according to Crain's Wealth's Mary Beth Franklin and Macro Consulting's Mark Cortazzo.

Mary Beth Franklin and Macro Consulting’s Cortazzo: The advisers’ role in creating retirement income

Bucket income strategies, annuities and Social Security benefits are among the topics advisers must know to help clients plan their income in retirement, according to InvestmentNews' Mary Beth Franklin and Macro Consulting's Mark Cortazzo.

GoodCare’s Votava: Biggest mistakes in handling Medicare

Katy Votava, founder and president of, estimates that 90% to 95% of people who are covered by Medicare are overpaying.

Pershing’s Tibergien: 3 keys to profitability

Good markets camouflage sins, according to Pershing’s Mark Tibergien.

Lynn Faust: Blazing a trail for women in advice

Lynn Faust, Senior Vice President of Investments at Faust Boyer Group, discusses the growing number of women advisers in leadership roles.