

The last word, we pray, on that damn nun ad Yes, I am disappointed Dow Jones Newswires developed…

The last word, we pray, on that damn nun ad

Yes, I am disappointed Dow Jones Newswires developed an ad mocking Catholic nuns. And yes, I am dismayed that you chose to run the ad. But I am particularly upset by the viciousness and insensitivity of your readers whose letters to the editor (Jan. 19) responding to earlier critics of the ad (Dec. 15) were further attacks on the nuns.

Notwithstanding any bad memories and/or experiences that people may have had with nuns as teachers, couldn’t each of us recall a similar experience with a public school teacher? Do we attack the entire teaching profession? Must we generalize from a few to condemn the many? The many who have given their lives in service to the poor, the ill, the oppressed? Have we so quickly forgotten Mother Teresa and her order of devoted sisters?

On a daily basis there are nuns being raped and killed in remote parts of this world as they try to bring peace and charity to unfortunate peoples. Their efforts are far greater and nobler than the sanctimonious, cold-hearted “professionals” and “executives” who have chosen to side with those who attack a community of sisters who accomplish far greater good than many ever will.


Nyack, N.Y.

Now for something completely different

I’m not one for writing letters to the editor. However, I’ve really enjoyed receiving InvestmentNews these past few months and since you make it so easy to e-mail you I thought I’d check in.

I enjoy the industry news. I especially appreciate the brief, concise articles and the layout of the paper. Your format is one that I will read. No matter how great the information is in any given publication, it’s useless if not read. Your publication is easy to read quickly. Thanks a lot for that. Keep up the good work.



Vestad Lewis & Associates

(a division of American Express Financial Advisors)

Yakima, Wash.

A Life lesson, taught from Texas

We at Life Partners Inc. would like to compliment you on you
r recent article chronicling our court battle with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Dec. 15). It was thorough and well researched.

We also noticed a brief news story elsewhere in the issue about another viatical insurance company that in the fall purchased the life insurance policy of a healthy 83-year-old man — “what might be the first such arrangement for someone in good health,” you reported.

Actually, Life Partners Inc. began a similar program last spring. Called Seniors’ Life Advantage, the program allows persons over the age of 65 to cash in life insurance policies regardless of their physical condition. Thus far, we are having an excellent response.


Director of corporate communications

Life Partners Inc.

Waco, Texas

We welcome reader comments. Send letters to InvestmentNews, 220 E. 42nd St., Ninth Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017-5806. Or send e-mail to [email protected]. Include your full name and telephone number for verification purposes. Mail may be edited for space and clarity.

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