
Letters to the Editor

Re: “Republicans see economy tanking, but yields tell different tale” (, Aug. 23): N ot surprising.

Re: “Republicans see economy tanking, but yields tell different tale” (, Aug. 23):


ot surprising. The “party of no” definitely would like things in our economy to be as bad as possible in November. In fact, they have gone out of their way to try to make that happen. How do you explain their voting against a bill a few weeks back that would have given tax breaks to small-business owners? That is a Republican mantra!

They will distort the truth and flat out try to hurt our economy as much as possible in order to regain control of Congress. Based on the polls, it would appear that this strategy may be working.

Re: “Will 12(b)-1 plan fizzle without champion?” (, Aug. 22):


hen you are “solving” a “problem” that doesn’t really exist with a “solution” that creates many new quandaries — both intended and unintended — a person’s interest may flag. Apparently, Mr. [Andrew J. “Buddy”] Donohue is not so committed that he would be willing to postpone his departure so that his signature reform could be promulgated and finalized.

Interestingly, the lawyers who are quoted in this story are involved with the process — as lawyers typically are.

Nobody seems to be making the case as to why so much time, so much effort, so much debate is being expended on something that seems not to even have the full-fledged support of its first mover, Mr. Buddy Donohue.

Nor are they reassuring us that in practice, the “reform” will be no worse than the “disease” it will purportedly cure.

Surely, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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