
Mark Battersby

Displaying 120 results

  • News
  • December 8, 2003

Tax Watch: IRS helps taxpayers recoup ‘gratuity’ benefits

The Internal Revenue Service is already helping taxpayers use a new tax law providing income exclusions for death benefit payments and certain home sales.


Tax Watch: Vote on Internet tax moratorium still possible

Although the U.S. Senate recently postponed a vote on extending an Internet access tax moratorium permanently, Congressional staff…


Tax Watch: Internet tax bill on the move in the Senate

The Senate Finance Committee has discharged the Internet Tax Freedom Act, a move that allows the bill to…


Tax Watch: Psst! Want to lease the Brooklyn Bridge?

Recent Senate Finance Committee hearings targeting sellers and promoters of illegal tax shelters demonstrated that tax shelter schemes…


Tax Watch: Battle against abusive tax shelters still rages

The Senate Finance Committee’s hearings on the progress being made in the fight against both corporate and individual…


Tax Watch: Help for retirement plan administrators

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced the release of new materials to help small businesses and plan administrators…


Tax Watch: Policy clarified on taxing of foreign dividends

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have issued notices covering the taxation of dividends…


Tax Watch: Ex-IRS counsel warns on shelter enforcement

A former Internal Revenue Service chief counsel warns that the agency could lose its war on tax shelters…


Tax Watch: The ‘Wall Street rule’ isn’t a rule of law, the IRS insists

The so-called Wall Street rule is a concept commonly used in the securities market and often discussed as…


Tax Watch: Grassley reseeds pension, exec pay reform bid

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, and the panel’s ranking minority member, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont.,…