
Dale E. Brown

Displaying 8 results


The case against state-run retirement plans

While most Americans are not aware of it, a broad nationwide trend is underway that could profoundly impact…


Acting locally to improve financial literacy globally

Despite widespread awareness that the state of financial literacy in our country is dire, precious little has been done at the national level to strengthen Americans' understanding of fundamental money management concepts. Dale Brown of the FSI says that we must — as an industry — focus our attention and our energy on tackling this critical issue on the local level.


Regulatory changes can’t wait for midterm elections

Independent advisers cannot afford to spend 2014 on the sidelines. The regulatory burdens facing our industry will not ease up unless we all stay focused, regardless of the political circumstances.


RIAs and IBDs: Looking beyond acronyms to defend common interests

While the differences between registered investment advisers and the independent broker-dealers are certainly real, all of us in this industry benefit when we pull together to represent our common interests in our interactions with regulators, according to FSI's Dale Brown.


Note to state legislators: Voters’ retirement security is your responsibility, too

The overall cost of retirement can sometimes seem difficult to grasp, but Main Street investors know that a dignified post-working lifestyle doesn't come cheap.


What advisers don’t know can hurt them

Since the financial crisis, the topic of regulatory change has never been far from financial advisers' minds. Advisers are acutely aware of the challenges posed by the Dodd-Frank Act, money market mutual fund reform and a host of other national regulatory proposals. But what they don't know, however, can still hurt them.


Financial advisers must have the confidence of investors

Must hardworking Americans become regulatory experts in financial services to feel confident that the person they turn to for financial advice has their best interests in mind and is properly regulated?


The latest threat to independent advisers

History is rife with examples of adverse, unintended consequences resulting from well-intentioned lawmaking acting in the face of a crisis.