
Stephanie Bogan

Stephanie Bogan is a high-performance practice coach and founder of Limitless Advisor coaching. You can connect with Stephanie on Twitter at: @Steph_Bogan

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A better way to start your business planning

We can’t hit that next level if we don’t choose the right priorities, and we can’t complete them if we don’t take charge of our time.


It’s time to radically rethink your ‘client experience’

Covid-19 forced both businesses and consumers to go digital. Suddenly, services once reserved for high-net-worth clients could be profitably delivered to nearly every segment.


Getting a handle on your head trash

Head trash is a negative belief you hold about yourself, your abilities or the world. We’re not even aware these negative thoughts are in control.


How to say anything to a client

Whether it’s communicating uncomfortable changes to clients or asking your staff to step up their performance, here's a simple model you can use to say what needs to be said when you don’t quite know how to say it.


How to be OK with letting profitable clients go

Never transitioning clients or raising fees means that you set your pricing model once, permanently. No other profession follows that model.


How to be a trusted adviser

Professional relationships are evolving. Consumers no longer want an expert proxy making decisions for them, they want a problem-solving partner who can guide them.


How to stay focused, and why we lose focus

We say yes to so much that we’re forced to divide our efforts, which dilutes our efficacy.


How do you define your value?

Building a thriving practice isn’t about building a business case for your value and fees; it’s about building your belief case.


My thank you letter to 2020

Extracting lessons from the year ensures you never fail, instead you either win or learn


The importance of taking imperfect action

You have to get things wrong before you can get them really right